Wednesday 10 September 2008

Shining Light to the Way of Peace

On us who live in the dark shadow of death this light will shine to guide us into a life of peace. (Luke 1:79)

A Prayer For You: If it is gloomy, perhaps a problem without solution. There maybe an ongoing concern that bothers you. In any case, whatever your situation, I hope that a glimmer of light will break through the darkness – knowing that the darkness can never overwhelm the light. With that I pray that the light will guide you from despair to delight in knowing the way to peace.

If it was easy then we would have done it by now. If it was simple then someone would be able to teach us how to do it and we would be there now. That we are not at peace appears to suggest that maybe we haven’t quite got there yet. There is a Light, though, that shines and makes a way clear for us to be able to make our way to peace. God open the eyes of those lost and wandering in darkness that they may see that the Light of the world is Jesus. Let us rejoice once more in another who was lost being found. Let us rejoice in one who was dead being made alive. Use us as carriers of the glorious message of peace being made with God through Christ and peace across all barriers between Gentile and Jew. Let this marvellous light make peace in your world today.

For His Name’s Sake
da man cd

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