Monday, 29 September 2008

Where Peaceful Waters Flow

You let me rest in fields of green grass. You lead me to streams of peaceful water, and you refresh my life. (Psalm 23:2, 3a)

There is something about leading people to where peaceful waters flow. Where no one is harassed and pressured. Where time ebbs and flows with the gentle rhythm of the flow of the river to replenish and refresh. Though your life maybe full of activity and action, let your mind and being be centred on the place where peaceful waters flow for you. As you rest there whenever you can, see if you can take a harassed traveller with you too. From there let the waters bring life from you to refresh others.

When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll, whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say it is well, it is well, with my soul. That was one of the inspirations behind today’s daily thought. As well as that the whole concept of the shepherd leading us by still waters and restoring our soul in preparation for the paths of righteousness that may go through the valley of the shadow of death. These kind of images are soothing and therapeutic without just being about having felt needs met. We are talking about being led by the Shepherd and the Shepherd knowing our need for rest and recuperation and abundantly providing them so that we may spend all of our days in God's house.

For His Name’s Sake
da man cd

For Peace Sake: Rest in Peace

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (Matthew 5:9)

You can see it in people’s faces. Even their smile is weighted down with the cares of life, so many things to do just to keep up with things. Making peace is as much about getting people to rest as it is about actively engaging in reconnecting. Frantic rushing, stressed our fussing doesn’t improve situations. We don’t have to be dead to be able to rest in peace. Time out for a break, a few moments catching some fresh air, (maybe climbing Mount Snowdon) can do as much good as hours slaving over a hot desk.

This post was sent out on Friday 26th September.

The real scriptural basis for this thought is found in Matthew 11:28-30. It is an amazing invitation that Jesus offers here and a radical one. This invitation is also implicit in what it is to be a peacemaker – inviting stressed out, anxious, fearful, panicky, people to come to rest. We are motivated to work with no sense of rest as we’re driven to go on and on to get the next wage and the next job and the next Christmas shopping and the next children’s clothes for school and the next major life purchase and the next … and the next … with no rest, no final peace, no final consolation in life. By the time retirement comes around there’s a helplessness and hopelessness and fraught wondering what to do with time that was spent going from the next … to the next. Oh but the wonder of discipleship is not go from the next to the next, but to rest and be unburdened from that which moves us on to something that never satisfies, never brings that sense of wholeness that is summed up in the Hebrew concept of Shalom.

When we engage with others on the peacemaking process it is to invite them to rest. Not to ongoing exertions beyond our abilities. Only in Jesus do we find this rest. Truly this is the peace that passes understanding as its not just chilling the mind and the body, it’s completely resting in Christ.

For His Name’s Sake
da man cd

For Peace Sake: Reaching To Heal

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (Matthew 5:9)

Why is there chaos and violence? Why is there pain and division? Could the real key for peace be beyond us? Being made whole involves healing the hurt without and within. Share the journey towards healing! It is one that we do not take alone and the hope in us leads us to One who created order out of chaos.

This post was sent out on Thursday 25th September.

External and inner peace begins by seeking peace from the same Source. Often the order in which we search for peace determines our success in achieving it. Some choose to look for inner peace in themselves first, then peace outside themselves and perhaps peace with God afterwards. Others desperately look for solutions to external peace possibilities and get deep and personal. Ultimate peace comes however through reconciling with the Creator and then His creation and that price, thankfully, has been paid by the Prince of Peace.

Often when reading Isaiah 53:5, I hear people refer to this as a guarantee of physical healing, yet nothing hits home as to what peace is all about than this. It undersells what the peace is all about – it underestimates what’s at stake here. The healing that has cost so much is not from sickness and disease, it is from the very curse of sin that has brought death to every son of Adam. It is the restoration of health by returning to our Creator and having the right relationship that ensures real health and real peace.

For His Name’s Sake
da man cd

Sunday, 28 September 2008

For Peace Sake: Building Bridges

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (Matthew 5:9)

No man is an island, but sometimes we are isolated through ignorance, misunderstanding, fear, pain, pride and prejudice. One way of making sure that each person stay’s in touch with the mainland of the community of humanity is to build bridges with those who are adrift. It may cost in terms of time, vulnerability and rejection. The benefits, however, far outweigh the cost – the joy of seeing people build deeper sacrificial relationships; the shared pursuit of justice and fairness for all and the hope in seeing what’s right done through all the earth.

This post was sent out on Wednesday 24th September.

Among the whole armour of God are these – shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace (Eph. 6:15). Peacemakers imply that there’s some activity that we are engaged with that constructs something. In this case it is not peace itself that we’re constructing – that has already been done in Christ. What we are constructing however, or highlight, is the path to peace. That’s why the peacemakers in this sense is more than just people who are able to stop arguments. Blessed as that is, when the resolution leads to building bridges from which people can cross from darkness to light, ignorance to understanding, hostility to hospitality and death to life then not only have we stopped something, but we have initiated something wonderful. We may have gained a brother/sister in the community of grace. We may have seen a life headed for mindless ruin transformed by the love of Christ into something so much greater.

As I understand only too painfully that means we have to be prepared to engage with others and reach out to those who are in the darkness – those who have been ravaged by the issues of life and would want to remain in the gutter. This is not just those who fall easily into that category, this is the whole of humanity unconnected to Christ and unaware of the gospel that He has made peace and indeed because of that He is our peace (see Ephesians 2:14-21 for more). This has glorious implications for building true multi-cultural community and for people to belong to something greater than themselves that enriches all of its constituents as recipients and channels of sacrificial love following the example of the greatest peacemaker and bridge-maker of them all.

For His Name’s Sake
da man cd

For Peace Sake: Conflict Resolution

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. (Matthew 5:9)

There can be no peace as long as there is conflict. Whether it is wars and military skirmishes or family feuds and personal malice held towards another person these spell disaster for any hope of peace within and without. Whatever it takes, whether its negotiations around a table or one simply humbling themselves and giving up all rights to break the ice, today you can contribute to resolving conflicts for peace sake.

This post, emailed on Tuesday 23 September, is the first ‘catch-up’ post from the week just gone. On Thursday 25th September the North Staffs YMCA put on a day specially focussed on the concept of peace called For Peace Sake. As a result most of my energies were directed in this cause and one of the things that suffered with posting the entries from the emails. Now with some time available I’ll endeavour to put up the thoughts sent out over the week.

It remains a challenge to stimulate Christian Spiritual reflection from to an audience of people who have mixed views on the area. It’s a good challenge, because Jesus was effortlessly able to stimulate this during His time on earth. The issue of peace is one of those where connections can be made easier. Everyone wants peace. Their experience has little connection with experiencing peace for any length of time, but it is an ideal worth aspiring to. What is evident is not only do they lack peace, but they live in a world that lacks peace and this seen in no greater a place than in the conflicts of life. Family relatives don’t get on. Different communities don’t get on. Rivalry lies at the heart of most competition which spills out into aggressive and antagonistic behaviour. Pride and superiority builds up barriers and creates more conflicts on a relational and political level. Indeed a commonly held criticism to religion is how wars have been started by religious rivalry.

What these arguments fail to reach is the heart to what causes these conflicts in the first place. In preparing for the event on Thursday, I was moved to read James 3:13-4:10. Verse 1 of chapter four especially gets to the real root for conflict.

What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?

Religion is just another tool used by the various passions that drives men that causes conflict. If possible, you could remove religion and there would still be war and conflict on a personal and global level. At the heart of all conflict is the inner conflict of what we desire inside. This is also a reflection of what takes place once our focus is taken from God, or what happened when we sin. Rebellion against God has seen conflicts erupt from Cain and Abel to the present day. The highest end of this tragedy remains the millions of people who remain disconnected from their Creator through idolatry of a plethora of manifestations. That’s why Jesus’ death on the cross and the mission was to bring an end to the conflict between man and God. Once that conflict is resolved it makes sense that all other conflicts would soon cease – especially the conflict within. For now we have the Word that says that He gives peace that the world doesn’t give and it passes understanding and guards our hearts and minds in Jesus Christ.

Reflecting on the narrative of the Beatitudes it is appropriate that the penultimate beatitude deals with peace and we have peace because the war is over. The conflict is resolved. We now, by God’s grace, work out how to live out the conflict resolution and seek to share it with others however we can. The vital ingredient remains however a peace with God before peace among men.

For His Name’s Sake
da man cd

Friday, 12 September 2008

Peace Plant

When peacemakers plant seeds of peace, they will harvest justice. (James 3:18)

The principles of nature can apply to human relationship. There’s no point planting an apple seed if you want oranges. Likewise it makes no sense grumbling and complaining about how wrong the world is, when we’re not planting the seeds to bring about the things that are right. As we spend time planting peace seeds of friendliness and gentleness we can look forward to the harvest of fairness.

I was looking at James 3:15-18 and reading Jimmy’s strong words that basically calls us to wake up and smell the coffee in terms of where we think we’re getting our wisdom from. Sometimes the power of these words are diluted by cultural sensitivities. Sometimes we want to modify and accommodate these words into something that is relatively harmless to others. The reality is however that the mainstream does not endorse, promote or support heavenly wisdom. That’s why it’s no surprise that we live in such a fractured, painful world because all humanity has ever perpetuated is fractured, painful choices through selfish ambition. Face it – your parents may not have done all they could to ensure their children were Kingdom-focussed offspring looking for how to plant peace.

More often than not generations and cultures have embedded in them selfish ambition either through conquest or through keeping oneself to oneself. We are told to look after number one. We are encouraged to get all we can and can all we get. We are told to do whatever we can for ourselves because we are worth it and deserve our best lives now even if it prioritises the self over all else. Indeed biblical narrative highlights the cycle of material prosperity leading to independence and on the other hand in some cases material lack leading to a great deal of covetousness to and aspiration to material prosperity that would then lead to that state of independence. God’s purpose in any kind of prosperity was never for independence but for a stronger sense of concern and investment in interdependence with all levels of the community around us. That’s why the call to be peacemakers and behaving in ways that are pleasing to God are necessarily costly to us – calling indeed for self-sacrifice in order to replicate the very character of the Saviour as we shall see later.

Meanwhile I encourage you to observe for yourself the values and norms of your own surroundings and notice if it is really based on sowing the seeds of peace or otherwise and ask God to empower you again to do what is necessary to see justice in individual and communal relations for Christ’s sake.

For His Name’s Sake
da man cd

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Shining Light to the Way of Peace

On us who live in the dark shadow of death this light will shine to guide us into a life of peace. (Luke 1:79)

A Prayer For You: If it is gloomy, perhaps a problem without solution. There maybe an ongoing concern that bothers you. In any case, whatever your situation, I hope that a glimmer of light will break through the darkness – knowing that the darkness can never overwhelm the light. With that I pray that the light will guide you from despair to delight in knowing the way to peace.

If it was easy then we would have done it by now. If it was simple then someone would be able to teach us how to do it and we would be there now. That we are not at peace appears to suggest that maybe we haven’t quite got there yet. There is a Light, though, that shines and makes a way clear for us to be able to make our way to peace. God open the eyes of those lost and wandering in darkness that they may see that the Light of the world is Jesus. Let us rejoice once more in another who was lost being found. Let us rejoice in one who was dead being made alive. Use us as carriers of the glorious message of peace being made with God through Christ and peace across all barriers between Gentile and Jew. Let this marvellous light make peace in your world today.

For His Name’s Sake
da man cd

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Peace of Mind: Have A Break

Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself. (John 6:15)

Sometimes it just gets too much. You get bogged down with issues and hassles and you could just explode. Sometimes the pressure to be someone you’re not or do something you cannot do is too much. There’s no need for that. For every pressure there is a door open to get some fresh air on the situation – for peace of mind, have a break.

For His Name’s Sake
da man cd

Monday, 8 September 2008

Calm Down

And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. (Mark 4:39)

Just a word on these daily thoughts before I plough on. These come out about four times a week usually because I’ll release them on the same day that I send out the mail-shots to staff back at the YMCA. Usually the first paragraph will be the text that the mail-shot will consist of and if I have anything to add that will constitute the rest of the entry. The deal with these thoughts though and especially with the ability to blog them is that they are not limited to the emails and indeed not limited to only going out on the four days of the week. Hence this particular entry. This is not to guarantee that there will be ongoing Daily Thoughts for every single day. Hopefully, though, it is to let you know how this thing rolls.

So onto today’s daily thought and being a DT extra I can talk even more candidly than usual. I chuckle whenever I read the episode at the end of Mark 4. Chuckle because I can relate to the despair the disciples would have felt with the storm that they were enduring. Chuckle because in the middle of all that, the Lord and Saviour of mankind is having a kip in the boat. Now the peace connection here works in two ways.

Firstly chaos on the outside does not mean chaos on the inside.

One of the wonders of this episode is that Jesus can afford to be at peace. With the level of disruption on the boat you would have to really be at peace or a deep sleeper to be having a kip at the stern. What I would love to know is what it takes to be able to be at peace on the inside even when there’s chaos on the outside. Thankfully I’m given an idea as to why that is the case. It’s not just the fact of getting to the other side. It’s not just the fact that the mission you’re going on and its completion is not on a ship. I reckon it’s having such a relationship with your Father – the creator of the universe indeed – that there is an inability to be affected or distracted by circumstances on your one ultimate goal – to bring glory to your Father.

If that is so overwhelming and the underpinning value of life – right relationship and devotion to the Father – then that’s the basis on which all decisions are going to be made. So that level of interaction and dependence on the Father and a desire to make Him known brings great assurance. Don’t get me wrong though. I’m not being too spiritual, I reckon Jesus fell asleep because he was tired and He knew that His Father would give His beloved sleep, but that’s exactly my point. He knew His Father, so He could sleep in the middle of the storm.

Secondly chaos on the outside can be overcome when there’s peace on the inside.

Real peace – wholeness that affects all relationships – has to have the element of the supernatural. Why’s that? Well look at the effort that’s taking place with our natural efforts! It’s almost as though left to our own devices we will successfully run things to the ground – interpersonal relationships, international relations, relationship between man and nature itself. Surely if history has been screaming out one thing it’s that the change we need has to come from without and within. Surely we have to catch up with the reality that no amount of reasoning and emotion pulling is going to get us out of the mess we’re in.

Real peace – wholeness that affects all relationships – starts from knowing the creator of the universe. That knowledge equips us to face even the seemingly adversarial elements of nature. Most importantly of all that means that the chaos outside can be overcome by the peace we have with God.

Jesus’ whole mission showed that peace with God could overwhelm all the forces of chaos even as the darkness could never beat the light. Now by faith people whose lives were ruined by chaotic decisions, habits and external factors can look forward to victory in those areas. By faith relationships on the road to ruins have been rescued – families restored and blossoming – by faith in the Prince of Peace. This faith – this connection from within to the Father above – creates peace within that affects without. Not legislation, not education, not medication. Not intellect, not the best plans of man – the difference is made by accessing the peace within by faith and like Jesus being able to speak to the storms without and bring calm to the situation.

It’s no surprise really that we live in a world of noise. It’s almost as though there’s a fear that without the constant bombardment of noise we would be afraid of the haunting silence within. Yet what Jesus promises in calmness and stillness is the wonderful joyful sound of wholeness – of the elements of our lives sounding as they should. The harmonious music of life starts with that stillness that comes under the authority of the Father. My prayer today is that in all the chaos and noise that threatens the lives of many trying to make it across that they would experience the words that their Saviour has to say to them. That they would … that we would have such a peace on the inside that it could never be affected by the whining of the children, the moaning of our colleagues, the bills, the mortgage, taxes, crime, injustice. Instead may the peace that Jesus

For His Name’s Sake
da man cd

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Working Towards Peace – Every Little Helps

A little yeast can change a whole batch of dough, (Galatians 5:9)

Your contribution to life may not appear significant today but it only takes a seed today to create a tree later on.  Every small gesture, a smile and a frown, a word can be a drop of soothing medicine or bitter poison.  In the same way that one rotten apple can spoil the whole barrel your word of encouragement, time taken to listen and shared company can make a huge difference in someone’s life.  As in working towards peace every little helps. 

Other scriptures to consider are Luke 13:21, Mark 12:42-44 and Luke 21:1-4

For His Name’s Sake


da man cd


Peace of Mind through Nature

It is not always possible in the middle of a stressful day to nip off to a serene garden taking in the flowers and wonderful fragrance. Reflecting on nature, though, has a glorious way of centring the mind on things in order. Relax for just a few moments and think about the wonder of creation around you from dandelions being blown gently in the breeze to cute bunnies hopping in the field. Your life is more valuable than even these scenes, so soak in this peace in action.

Why worry about clothes? Look how the wild flowers grow. They don't work hard to make their clothes. But I tell you that Solomon with all his wealth wasn't as well clothed as one of them. God gives such beauty to everything that grows in the fields, even though it is here today and thrown into a fire tomorrow. He will surely do even more for you! (Matthew 6:28-30)

For His Name’s Sake
da man cd

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

It's A Peace Of Cake

Jesus told them, "When you're celebrating a wedding, you don't skimp on the cake and wine. You feast. Later you may need to pull in your belt, but not now. No one throws cold water on a friendly bonfire. This is Kingdom Come!" (Matthew 9:15)

It’s unfair for you to want have your cake and eat it. It’s unfair if I want to have my cake and eat it. When we can all have our cake and eat it that’s not just fair – that’s peace. Fancy a slice?

To find out more about what the whole issue of peace is at the moment take click to see more
For Peace Sake.

For His Name’s Sake
da man cd


Praise God in heaven! Peace on earth to everyone who pleases God. (Luke 2:14)

What is peace? Does it sound of birds chirping sweetly or of a wail of electric guitars or something else? Does is smell of sweet perfume or raw onions or something else? Does it taste hard and crunchy or soft and chewy or something else? Does it feel rough and jagged or smooth and silky or something else? Does it look like a baby sleeping or a young girl struggling with self-esteem issues talking with you or something else? Whatever it is for you today search for it, enjoy it and share it with someone else!

The questions are facetious really. The answer to the questions is yes. Peace is birds chirping, a wail of electric guitars, sweet perfume, raw onions, hard and crunchy, soft and chewy, rough and jagged, smooth and silky, a baby sleeping a young girl struggling with self-esteem issues and talking with you AND something else. Something more, something fundamentally foundational to these experiences and underpins and connects them with the definition of peace.

The month of September is dedicated to the issue of peace. The arrival of Jesus Christ as celebrated in this verse is the celebration of peace on earth. It’s interesting to note how many versions add the fact that this peace is to those who please God. The typical version and one wheeled out every Christmas time suggests that it’s merely peace on earth goodwill to all men. This disclaimer, however, noted in most other versions put a different spin on things. This is not the only spin on the direction of peace in Jesus’ journey. Whether it’s coming with sword to split families or whether it’s offering a peace that is markedly different to that offered to the world Jesus as ever offers something radically different and counter-cultural. I hope to be able to explore some of these distinctions during the month and also ground this truth in applications wherever possible.

Starting today, though, you can rejoice as a follower of Jesus Christ I the peace that comes with that. It’s something worth rejoicing about for there is no greater news given to humanity since its fall. Thank God for His peace.

For His Name’s Sake
da man cd